Starwars Jedi: Fallen Order ~ First Impressions
Starwars has been the movie series from the West that I follow (but not as deep as what I do on my favorite Japanese games). It was my boyfriend who gave me more details about the story of Starwars but I am already fascinated with this series ever since. I got the chance to play Starwars Jedi: Fallen Order and yes, I am deeply amazed!
Starwars Jedi: Fallen Order recently released last November 15, 2019. I got the game a week after its release. Since I don't have my PS4 anymore, I decided to try playing it using my laptop instead. It was the wise choice I made because I was able to play this game while I'm at work (laughs).
The Story
Starwars Jedi: Fallen Order's story is set between the prequel Trilogy films and Episode 4: A New Hope. This was after the Sith has enacted Order 66 and turned the Republic's clone against the Jedi.
Our main character (he's handsome by the way), is just a normal guy who does lots of stuff around such as you know... fixing, opening, exploring junks which were thrown to the planet to where he lives. But actually, deep inside him is the heart and skill of a true Jedi.
Now, since the dark side wanted to dismiss all the remaining Jedi, they are in the hunt and to investigate all possible people that they think has the Jedi characteristics. "Secrets are meant to be revealed" as what the sayings said, our man was discovered and now they are in the hunt to destroy him.
The Gameplay
Just wow. Literally made me said, "this is insane." I didn't expect to get that highly immersive graphics for that game. I am still amazed at how game developers work on the game graphics that it made us look like its a real-life thing. Everything about the Starwar Jedi: Fallen Order is amazing in terms of its graphics. Can't go wrong with how beautiful the lightsaber works especially when using it to hit the enemies.
Since I am using a laptop for playing, I used the keyboard to navigate me throughout the game. The controls are not that hard and feel like I'm playing my regular MMORPG games. We can run, climb, walk, fight. By climbing, I remember saying that "these climbing things remind me of 'Last of Us'." Graphics can be adjustable as well! So if you are playing thru PC but can't handle the HD game graphics, you can adjust it on 'Settings' so you could play this game smoothly.
Because I tend to explore every corner of the vicinity (thank you, Skyrim! *laughs*), I highly recommend to explore everything. There's a provided map but I kinda find it difficult to use but it is manageable. As you go along, you can unlock backstories, unlock new skills and a lot more.
Skill tree and changing of equipment are also available. Aside from that, you have a very cute company to guide you on your journey. Presenting, BB1!
I haven't finished this game yet since I only got a chance to play at work during break time. But if you love Starwars and you are looking for a new game to try, Starwars Jedi: Fallen Order is a must-try game!
I can't wait to finish this game! Have you played this game yet? Share us your thoughts!

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